Search & Selection Process
In-house Smartool, Media & Web marketing of vacancies
Maximum 3 / 4 candidates presented to the clients with synopsis
Selective candidate shortlisting from CV’s
All candidate to client interview arrangements made by our consultants
Face to face interviews with one of our consultants
Thorough brief to the candidate of the vacancy specification
Full salary negotiation service at point of job offer
Candidate Retention
Our clients currently enjoy a 91.2% candidate retention in the 1st year

What is Smartool?
- Smartool is an In-house developed vacancy notification system
- The clients vacancy will be notified to the entire 30,000 CV database within 10 minutes
- Candidates will then apply via the Smartool system
- Smartool keeps our database up to date with fresh candidates
- Smartool speeds up the process & saves the client valuable time
FREE Smartool Registration
Email your CV today